Using R with ArcGIS

Shaun Walbridge

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Data Science

Data Science

  • A much-hyped phrase, but effectively is about the application of statistics and machine learning to real-world data, and developing formalized tools instead of one-off analyses. Combines diverse fields to solve problems.

Data Science

What's a data scientist?

“A data scientist is someone who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician.”
  — Josh Wills

Data Science

Us geographic folks also rely on knowledge from multiple domains. We know that spatial is more than just an x and y column in a table, and how to get value out of this data.

Scientific Languages

Languages commonly used in scientific and statistical problem solving:

R — Python — Matlab — Julia

JuPyteR = Jupyter

Scientific Languages

We're a big Python shop, so why R?

"Why can't everyone just use Python?"

≈"Why can't everyone just speak English?"

  • More like dialects. We speak with our Canadian friends, right?

  • Complementary in many workflows. People use both to get real work done.

Scientific Languages

R vs Python for Data Science


Why ?

  • Powerful core data structures and operations
    • Data frames, functional programming
  • Unparalleled breadth of statistical routines
    • The de facto language of Statisticians, state of the art statsitical methods available
  • A fast growing programming language in the past ~5 years
  • CRAN: 8000 packages for solving problems
  • Powerful language for creating high quality plots and graphics

  • We assume basic proficiency programming
  • See resources for a deeper dive into R

Why ?

  • Open source. Dynamic language, both functional + object oriented
  • CRAN is impressive. Best of breed methods, written by domain experts.
  • Includes domain specific languages for statistics. E.g.:

    fit.results <- lm(pollution ~ elevation + rain + ppm.nox + elevation:rain)
  • Similar properties in other parts of the language

R Data Types

Data types you're used to seeing...

Numeric - Integer - Character - Logical - timestamp

... but others you probably aren't:

vector - matrix - data.frame - factor

R Data Types

Example source


a.vector <- c(4, 3, 8, 7, 1, 5)


A = matrix(
    c(4, 3, 8, 7, 1, 5), # same data as above
    nrow=2, ncol=3, # what's the shape of the data?
    byrow=TRUE) # what order are the values in?

R Data Types

Data Frames:

  • Treats tabular (and multi-dimensional) data as a labeled, indexed series of observations. Sounds simple, but is a game changer over typical software which is just doing 2D layout (e.g. Excel)

R Data Types

# Create a data frame out of an existing tabular source
df.from.csv <- read.csv("data/growth.csv", header=TRUE)

# Create a data frame from scratch
quarter <- c(2, 3, 1) 
person <- c("Goodchild", "Tobler", "Krige") 
met.quota <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
df <- data.frame(person, met.quota, quarter) 
R> df
     person met.quota quarter
1 Goodchild      TRUE       2
2    Tobler     FALSE       3
3     Krige      TRUE       1

sp Types

  • 0D: SpatialPoints
  • 1D: SpatialLines
  • 2D: SpatialPolygons
  • 3D: Solid
  • 4D: Space-time

Entity + Attribute model

Data Science with R

Hadley Stack

  • Hadley Wickham
  • Developer at R Studio, Professor at Rice University
  • ggplot2, scales, dplyr, devtools, many others

Statistical Formulas

fit.results <- lm(pollution ~ elevation + rain + ppm.nox + elevation:rain)
  • Domain specific language for statistics
  • Similar properties in other parts of the language
  • caret for model specification consistency

Literate Programming

I believe that the time is ripe for significantly better documentation of programs, and that we can best achieve this by considering programs to be works of literature.
  — Donald Knuth, “Literate Programming”

  • packages: RMarkdown, Roxygen2
  • Jupyter notebooks

Development Environments

  • Best of class tools for interacting with data.

dplyr Package

Batting %.%
  group_by(playerID) %.%
  summarise(total = sum(G)) %.%
  arrange(desc(total)) %.%

Introducing dplyr

R Challenges

  • Performance issues
  • Not a general purpose language
  • Lacks purely UI mode of interaction (e.g. plots must be manually specified)
  • Programmer only. There is shiny, but R is first and foremost a language that expects fluency from its users

R — ArcGIS Bridge

R — ArcGIS Bridge

  • ArcGIS developers can create custom tools and toolboxes that integrate ArcGIS and R
  • ArcGIS users can access R code through geoprocessing scripts
  • R users can access organizations GIS' data, managed in traditional GIS ways

R — ArcGIS Bridge

Store your data in ArcGIS, access it quickly in R, return R objects back to ArcGIS native data types (e.g. geodatabase feature classes).

Knows how to convert spatial data to sp objects.

Package Documentation

ArcGIS vs R Data Types

ArcGIS R Example Value
Address Locator Character Address Locators\\MGRS
Any Character  
Boolean Logical  
Coordinate System Character "PROJCS[\"WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_19N\"...
Dataset Character "C:\\workspace\\projects\\results.shp"
Date Character "5/6/2015 2:21:12 AM"
Double Numeric 22.87918

ArcGIS vs R Data Types

ArcGIS R Example Value
Extent Vector (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) c(0, -591.561, 1000, 992)
Field Character  
Folder Character full path, use with e.g.
Long Long 19827398L
String Character  
Text File Character full path
Workspace Character full path

Access ArcGIS from R

Start by loading the library, and initializing connection to ArcGIS:

# load the ArcGIS-R bridge library
# initialize the connection to ArcGIS. Only needed when running directly from R.

Access ArcGIS from R

Opening data has two stages, like data cursors:

  • Open data source with
  • Select with filtering with

Similar to using arcpy.da cursors

Access ArcGIS from R

First, select a data source (can be a feature class, a layer, or a table):

input.fc <-'data.gdb/features')

Then, filter the data to the set you want to work with (creates in-memory data frame):

filtered.df <-, 
                          fields=c('fid', 'mean'),
                          where_clause="mean < 100")

This creates an ArcGIS data frame -- looks like a data frame, but retains references back to the geometry data.

Access ArcGIS from R

Now, if we want to do analysis in R with this spatial data, we need it to be represented as sp objects. arc.data2sp does the conversion for us: <- arc.data2sp(filtered.df)

arc.sp2data inverts this process, taking sp objects and generating ArcGIS compatible data frames.

Access ArcGIS from R

Finished with our work in R, want to get the data back to ArcGIS. Write our results back to a new feature class, with arc.write:

arc.write('data.gdb/new_features', results.df)

Access ArcGIS from R

WKT to proj.4 conversion:

arc.fromP4ToWkt, arc.fromWktToP4

Interacting directly with geometries:

arc.shapeinfo, arc.shape2sp

Geoprocessing session specific:

arc.progress_pos, arc.progress_label, arc.env (read only)

Building R Script Tools

Building R Script tools

tool_exec <- function(in_params, out_params) {
  # the first input parameter, as a character vector
  input.features <- in_params[[1]]

  # alternatively, can access by the parameter name:
  input.input <- in_params$input_features
  # ... next, do analysis steps

  # this will be returned as the "Output Graphs" parameter.
  out_params[[1]] <- plot(results.dataset)

R ArcGIS Bridge Demo

The How and Where

How To Install

Where Can I Run This?

Where Can I Run This?

  • Now:
    • First, install R 3.1 or later
    • ArcGIS Pro (64-bit) 1.1 or later
    • ArcGIS 10.3.1 or later:
      • 32-bit R by default in Desktop
      • 64-bit R available via Server and Background Geoprocessing
  • Upcoming:
    • Conda for managing R environments



Looking for a package to solve a problem? Use the CRAN Task Views.

Tons of good books and resources on R available, check out the RSeek engine to find resources for the language which can be difficult to locate because of the name.

R Packages by Hadley Wickham

Spatial R / Data Science

ArcGIS + R




R ArcGIS Extensions




  • Resources and outreach -- connect the dots, want this to be outreach so we can build up more R + ArcGIS people who aren't as common as our core language folks.
  • Future of the project, questions


  • Open source project, different ethos
  • Contributions are the currency
    • That said, major uptake in the commercial space:
    • Microsoft R (bought Revolution Analytics); R Studio
  • Our involvement:
    • Recently hosted a Space-time Statistics Summit
    • More soon


  • R team: Dmitry Pavlushko, Shaun Walbridge, Steve Kopp, Mark Janikas, Konstantin Krivoruchko
  • Geoprocessing Team
