Python: Working With Scientific Data

Shaun Walbridge

Kevin Butler

Handout PDF

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Why Python?

  • Accessible for new-comers, and the most taught first language in US universites
  • Extensive package collection (56 thousand on PyPI), broad user-base
  • Strong glue language used to bind together many environments, both open source and commercial
  • Open source with liberal license — do what you want
  • Brand new to Python? This talk may be challenging
  • Resources include materials that for getting started

Release History

  • ArcGIS 9.0 (2004, Python 2.1)
    • PythonWin COM bindings

      import win32com
      gp = win32com.client.dispatch("esriGeoProcessing.GpDispatch.1")
  • ArcGIS 9.2 (2006, Python 2.4)
    • NumPy 1.0.3
    • Python-native module

      import arcgisscripting
      gp = arcgisscripting.create()

Release History

  • ArcGIS 9.3 (2008, Python 2.5.1)
    • Python GP on Server
    • gp = arcgisscripting.create(9.3)
  • ArcGIS 10.0 (2010, Python 2.6)
    • Fully integrated module: import arcpy
    • Python window
    • New extensions:
      • arcpy.mapping

Release History

  • ArcGIS 10.1 (2012, Python 2.7)
    • Fast cursors: arcpy.da.*
    • Python Add-Ins and Python Toolboxes
    • Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)
    • matplotlib
  • ArcGIS 10.3 (2014, Python 2.7.8)

Release History

  • Next:
    • SciPy stack
    • Package Management Enivonment (pip + the hard stuff)
    • Integration with R statistical language
  • Move toward maintainable, reusable code and beyond the “one-off”


Why SciPy?

  • Most languages don't support things useful for science, e.g.:
    • Vector primitives
    • Complex numbers
    • Statistics
  • Object oriented programming isn't always the right paradigm for analysis applications, but is the only way to go in many modern languages
  • SciPy brings the pieces that matter for scientific problems to Python

Included SciPy

Package KLOC Contributors Stars
matplotlib 63 312 2313
Nose 7 64 744
NumPy 84 299 1804
Pandas 112 349 4115
SciPy 91 265 1528
SymPy 223 340 1981
Totals 580 1369

  1. An array object of arbitrary homogeneous items
  2. Fast mathematical operations over arrays
  3. Linear Algebra, Fourier Transforms, Random Number Generation

SciPy Lectures, CC-BY

ArcGIS + NumPy

ArcGIS + NumPy

  • Plotting library and API for NumPy data

Computational methods for:

SciPy: Geometric Mean

  • Calculating a geometric mean of an entire raster using SciPy (source)
import scipy.stats  
rast_in = 'data/input_raster.tif'
rast_as_numpy_array = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(rast_in)
raster_geometric_mean = scipy.stats.stats.gmean(
    rast_as_numpy_array, axis=None)  

  • Panel Data — like R "data frames"
  • Bring a robust data analysis workflow to Python


import pandas

data = pandas.read_csv('data/season-ratings.csv')
Index([u'season', u'households', u'rank', u'tv_households', \
       u'net_indep', u'primetime_pct'], dtype='object')

majority_simpsons = data[data.primetime_pct > 50]
    season households  tv_households  net_indep  primetime_pct
0        1  13.4m[41]           92.1       51.6      80.751174
1        2  12.2m[n2]           92.1       50.4      78.504673
2        3  12.0m[n3]           92.1       48.4      76.582278
3        4  12.1m[48]           93.1       46.2      72.755906
4        5  10.5m[n4]           93.1       46.5      72.093023
5        6   9.0m[50]           95.4       46.1      71.032357
6        7   8.0m[51]           95.9       46.6      70.713202
7        8   8.6m[52]           97.0       44.2      67.584098
8        9   9.1m[53]           98.0       42.3      64.383562
9       10   7.9m[54]           99.4       39.9      60.916031
10      11   8.2m[55]          100.8       38.1      57.466063
11      12  14.7m[56]          102.2       36.8      53.958944
12      13  12.4m[57]          105.5       35.0      51.094891

  • A Computer Algebra System (CAS), solve math equations (source)
from sympy import *
x = symbol('x')
eq = Eq(x**3 + 2*x**2 + 4*x + 8, 0)
solve(eq, x)

Where Can I Run This?

  • Now:
  • Upcoming:
    • ArcGIS Desktop (32-bit), Background Geoprocessing (64-bit), Server (64-bit), Engine (32-bit)
    • IPython Included

Multidimensional Data


  • Fast, HDF5 and NetCDF4 read+write support, OPeNDAP
  • Heirarchical data structures
  • Widely used in meterology, oceanography, climate communities
  • Easier: Multidimensional Toolbox, but can be useful


import netCDF4
nc = netCDF4.Dataset('', 'r', format='NETCDF4')
print nc.file_format
# outputs: NETCDF4

Multi-D Improvements

Demo: Benthic Terrain Modeler

Benthic Terrain Modeler

  • A Python Add-in and Python toolbox for geomorphology
  • Open source, can borrow code for your own projects:
  • Active community of users, primarily marine scientists, but also useful for other applications

Lightweight SciPy Integration

  • Using scipy.ndimage to perform basic multiscale analysis
  • Using scipy.stats to compute circular statistics

Lightweight SciPy Integration

Example source

import arcpy
import scipy.ndimage as nd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

ras = "data/input_raster.tif"
r = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(ras, "", 200, 200, 0)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))

Lightweight SciPy Integration

for i in xrange(25):
    size = (i+1) * 3
    print "running {}".format(size)
    med = nd.median_filter(r, size)

    a = fig.add_subplot(5, 5,i+1)
    plt.imshow(med, interpolation='nearest')
    a.set_title('{}x{}'.format(size, size))
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.1)
    prev = med

plt.savefig("btm-scale-compare.png", bbox_inches='tight')


SciPy Statistics

  • Break down aspect into sin() and cos() variables
  • Aspect is a circular variable — without this 0 and 360 are opposites instead of being the same value

SciPy Statistics

Summary statistics from SciPy include circular statistics (source).

import scipy.stats.morestats

ras = "data/aspect_raster.tif"
r = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(ras)


Testing with Nose

  • Nose — a Python framework for testing
  • Tests improve your productivity, and create robust code
  • Nose builds on unittest framework, extends it to make testing easy.
  • Plugin architecture, includes a number of plugins and can be extended with third-party plugins.

Testing with Nose

An example test from (full code, example):

class TestBpi(unittest.TestCase):
    def testBpiRun(self):
       input_raster = 'data/input_raster.tif'
       output_raster = 'test_run_bpi.tif'
       bpi.main(input_raster, 10, 30, output_raster)
       # Does our raster match the known mean?
           utils.raster_properties(output_raster, "MEAN"),

Testing with Nose

Test specific BTM script:

cd tests/
nosetests -s testMain:TestBpi


2 tests run in 7.1 seconds (2 tests passed)
Ran 2 tests in 4.217s


Testing with Nose

Supports many more options, and can integrate with tools like coverage to give you information about testing coverage, or the amount of code that you've added tests for, and what lines of code are missing from your tests:

nosetests --with-coverage

Testing with Nose

Coverage results:

Name                         Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
scripts.aspect                  24      4    83%   48-49, 53-54
scripts.bpi                     24      4    83%   57-58, 62-63
scripts.btm_model               39      4    90%   83-85, 89-90
scripts.classify                90     20    78%   23, 30, 115-142
scripts.config                   4      0   100%
scripts.depth_statistics        39      4    90%   67-68, 72-73
scripts.ruggedness              49      4    92%   96-97, 101-102
scripts.slope                   18      4    78%   41-42, 46-47
scripts.standardize_bpi_grids   28      4    86%   57-58, 62-63
scripts.surface_to_planar      100      9    91%   179-180, 188-198
scripts.utils                  229     38    83%   37-51, 57-86
TOTAL                          644     95    85

45 tests run in 316.5 seconds (45 tests passed)
Ran 45 tests in 316.091s


from future import *

Opening Doors

  • Machine learning (scikit-learn, scikit-image, ...)
  • Deep learning (theano, ...)
  • Bayesian statistics (PyMC, ...)
    • Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
  • Frequentist statistics (statsmodels)


Other Sessions

  • Python Raster Function: Custom On-the-fly Analysis
  • Python: Working with Raster Data
  • Python: Developing Geoprocessing Tools
  • Integrating Open-source Statistical Packages with ArcGIS
  • ArcGIS Pro: Map Automation with Python

New to Python

GIS Focused







Only require SciPy Stack:


  • ArcPy + SciPy on Github
  • raster-functions
    • An open source collection of function chains to show how to do complex things using NumPy + scipy on the fly for visualization purposes
  • statistics library with a handful of descriptive statistics included in Python 3.4.
  • TIP: Want a codebase that runs in Python 2 and 3? Check out future, which helps maintain a single codebase that supports both. Includes the futurize script to initially a project written for one version.

Scientific ArcGIS Extensions


  • PyCon
    • The largest gathering of Pythonistas in the world
  • SciPy
    • A meeting of Scientific Python users from all walks
  • PyVideo
    • Talks from Python conferences around the world available freely online.
    • PyVideo GIS talks



  • Geoprocessing Team
  • The many amazing contributors to the projects demonstrated here.
    • Get involved! All are on GitHub and happily accept contributions.

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